1 clio: 49/52


Monday, December 30, 2013


We were spoiled on Christmas day getting to spend the afternoon and evening with this little lady, her beautiful mama and her chef-extraordinaire father. Cian and Eoin and Cillian, supervised by the lovely Mike, cooked up a super storm of roasted potatoes, vegetarian and non-vegetarian brussle sprouts, carrots and parsnips which we added to with our nut roast and veggie gravy*. It was a veritable feast and we needed a considerable gap before we tucked into the most delicious desserts. Cian always entertains us with endless streams of fascinating (and sometimes quite technical) stories of his work abroad and life at home. I might be biased but I think himself and Melanie make the cutest, cuddliest and funniest babies around and I am so glad that there’s going to be another one next summer.
I am truly sorry for all those times I’ve accidentally called you my uncle Cian, thank you for being such a lovely cousin!

* Ok, so they also cooked a massive ham and humongous turkey but I don’t eat those things so they don’t come to mind immediately when reminiscing about Christmas dinner. 


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